‘I’m a City Changer’ offers cities the chance to become part of a unified, meaningful, and effective campaign towards livable cities by bringing local citizens together under one common vision. Sign-up at www.worldurbancampaign.org
Key messages
Cities are the world’s greatest assets for pursuing sustainable development.
How we plan, build and manage our cities today will determine our future.
Harnessing the city as an asset requires the commitment of all.
We declare ourselves City Changers.
We commit to take action and change cities for a better urban world.
We invite all Habitat Agenda partners to join forces and participate as equal
partners in the Global Urban Agenda.
The battle for a sustainable future will be won or lost in cities.
Documentos en español:
The Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban
Development (Habitat III), to be held in 2016, will be about sustainable urbanization
and our urban future. It will be a major opportunity to assess the state of the world’s
cities and to revisit our global urban future, 40 years after the first conference on
human settlements held in Vancouver. Habitat I was the first realization of the
urban and housing challenge globally.
Twenty years later, in 1996 in Istanbul, Habitat II was the place of negotiation on
future policies for sustainable urban development.
In 2016, Habitat III will be about assessing the state of our cities and developing
solutions. While cities are at the heart of today’s global crisis, they are also the
source of solutions for a sustainable future.